Tuesday, August 03, 2010

There better be a full double rainbow all the way coming our way tomorrow...

'cause this better turn out right.

1 comment:

The Heartist said...

I can feel the power since it happened to me too, I stood out side and saw it and took a mazing pictures and reacted just like you, I was amazed and it was beautiful. so beautiful. God is out there and that is always one of his strongest signs. Wonderful, speechless, I reacted just the same. So I know the feeling. Congratulations, and welcome to the beauty of life, Enjoy it and be blessed as we all should be. Awesome man, Great. Love your reaction. I feel sorry for those one out there who seem to miss the point in living and could not feel the same, and take life so for granted. Thank You God. And thank you for sharing.

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