Friday, November 25, 2011

An interview with me!

I have been doing a few interviews as of late and by that I mean who could forget my incredible tête-à-têtes with the likes of Jennifer Lopez, Michael Musto, Tim Dax and Lisa M?

Now comes the greatest interview of all: An interview with me!

Don't worry, I am not as infatuated with myself to have conducted the interview.  It was just happy happenstance that my friend Enrique TorreMolina was gracious enough to reach out and ask a few pressing questions.  Some excerpts:
  • Me on immigration: There is no reason why the wealthiest nation in the world cannot provide opportunities for immigrants to develop their full potential regardless of economic or educational background. 
  • Me on blogging: Not every blog writer posts a daily entry or multiple daily posts. I’m sure most people don’t even realize how much perseverance, dedication, personal sacrifice and time it takes a blogger to keep up that sort of blogging rhythm but it’s almost a Herculean task. 
  • Me on gossip: For a while I tried to be snarky and gossipy because I felt readers would enjoy it, but ultimately it wasn’t my style. I ended up erasing a few posts where I felt I had dished out at a couple of celebrities. It just made me feel dirty. Others do gossip much better than I do.
  • Me on Latino LGBT priorities: Sometimes the question about community “priorities” bothers me –and I know you didn’t mean it that way– because it’s usually code speak for ‘your priority is not important, my priority is’.
  • Me on my which other blogs you should be following: It might be an eclectic list but...
Heck, I'll let you read the whole interview, and check out some of the blogs I gave props to, here: Blabbeando with Andrés Duque.

If I may say so, it's probably the most important interview you will read in your life.

Thanks, Enrique, for having the great taste to interview me! You rock.


Enrique TorreMolina said...


Danny Olvera said...

Thanks for the love! :D

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