A gay porn flick released by the Miami- based Kristen Bjorn Productions in 2004 called "Men Amongst the Ruins" is raising heckles from local community leaders in the colonial city of Antigua, Guatemala, who are disturbed that some of the sex scenes were aparently filmed in the ruins of colonial-era Christian temples.
Antonio Tovar, the Director of Conservation of Ancient Guatemala, told the AP that while the production company did film in an 18th century Catholic temple that has since been converted into a museum, the sex scenes were filmed elsewhere and edited to seem as if they took place inside the museum.
Antigua, which dates back to the 16th century, used to be Guatemala's capital city until a series of earthquakes left it nearly deserted in the 18th century and Guatemala City became it's last and current capital. Kristen Bjorn, known for the exotic worldwide locales he choses as settings for his porn films, did not make a comment to the AP.
So, while the Guatemalan gay rights organization has suffered the loss of eight of its members to violence just this year, a US-based gay porn producer uses a Central American city for profit (reminds me of something else) and Guatemalan authorities seem to care more about the sex that aparently never took place in a temple than the rash of killings that has plagued OASIS over the years.
UPDATE: You can read more about this at "Drowning in a glass of water" from El Blog Diabolico.
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18 hours ago
Ay, ay, que mundo. If could only focus on what really matters. Living in the US shelters us so much from the LGBT reality in Latin America, that sometimes we forget LGBT people are still getting killed out there. I am so sad. Thanks for keeping up with this Guatemalan gay rights organization, we need to support them.
It's so easy to say, but thousands of people receive HONEST and CLEAN money from all sorts of turism, straight, gay or whatever. By doing this picture in such cultural places, only brings down a process of upraising tourism in this city. It's very unhealthy to do so. We are in risk of loosing the status of the UNESCO as a Human Monument. It's not correct.
I think it's ridiculous that "Christian" community is in an uproar over the alleged desecration of the temples. 1)It's ridiculous that the "Christian people doing the movie were doing it willingly 2) it wasn't done in the temples.
As I see it if they were to investigate a bit further they will find that sex is being had in the current temples (churches). Priests raping young children! Direct your anger where it is truly needed. I guess they're raising ostriches in Guatemala.
correction to the above:
I think it's ridiculous that the "Christian" community is in an uproar over the alleged desecration of the temples. 1st of all the actors did it willingly and 2nd of all it wasn't actually done in the temples (churches). As I see it if they investigate they will find that sex is being had in their church/temples by the priests raping young children. I guess ostriches are being raised in Guatemala.
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