Únete a la CELEBRACION DE LA DIVERSIDAD SEXUAL, en la calle Padre Billini esquina Duarte, en el parque Duarte de la Zona Colonial este viernes 23 de junio a las 10:00 PM. Camiseta para las /os primeros /as 50 personasAparently the organizers are not necessarily associated with the people putting together tomorrow's human rights forum.
Join a CELEBRATION OF SEXUAL DIVERSITY, at the Padre Billini street, Duarte corner, in the Duarte Park of the Colonial Zone. This Friday, June 23rd at 10pm. The first 50 people will get a free t-shirt.
It is a reaction to the repressive environment that seems to be in the upswing in Santo Domingo after two gay bars were shut down last weekend.
No further updates from Blabbeando until Monday. Good luck everyone and stay safe. Happy pride!
Ojala pudiera asistir!
OK..so what happened at the rally?
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