Agogness: Today, the leading Spanish newspaper El Pais profiled artists Roberto González Fernández and David Trullo (known as RGF+DDT) and their stylized, someti

The article is mostly favorable and supportive. They also take notice of the fact that the artists do not want to have their art categorized as "gay" (how post-gay of them!).
Apoplectic spazz out: In contrast, the conservative north-eastern province of La Rioja has been rocked to the core by the real thing. The leading local newspaper called (unsurprisingly) La Rioja, has been salivating over photographs they captured of two men "frolicking" in a public park.
The article states, in a very "Dateline NBC" kind of way, that the locals are sick and tired of the public spectacle.
Still, Francisco Pérez Diego, leader of the local LGBT rights advocacy organization GYLDA, has undertaken a campaign to stop sensationalistic media representation of local gay communities and called La Rioja to stop sinking to the lowest common denominator, particularly because they ran the "exposé" on what would have been Spain's gay pride day.
So, from New York, we salute GYLDA and hope that La Rioja will listen to the complaints and stop representing the local LGBT community in the worst possible way.
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