Out People Of Color Political Action Club
CONTACT: info@outpocpac.org
Barack Obama Endorsement
New York, NY/Feb. 28, 2008--The Out People of Color Political Action Club (OutPOCPAC) unanimously endorsed Barack Obama's bid for President of the United States.
“We are confident that Senator Obama will lead this country in a new and needed direction," said Doug Robinson, OutPOCPAC co-president. "The Bush administration's policies have failed us, with millions of Americans without healthcare, a disastrous war in Iraq, and the gap between rich and poor growing larger every day. We strongly believe that Senator Obama will unite this country bringing gay & straight, black & white, old & young, Republican, Independent & Democrats, disabled & able-bodied, and all other communities together to rebuild our great country.”
OutPOCPAC has pledged its resources to help bring an Obama administration to the White House in January of 2009. OutPOCPAC is reaching out to club members and their families to make individual contributions to this important presidential campaign. We will also be organizing efforts to mobilize volunteers in remaining primary states, including Pennsylvania.
The Out People of Color Political Action Club is a New York City-based non-partisan political club of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and two-spirit (LGBTTS) people of color. For more information about OutPOCPAC, please contact info@outpocpac.org.
Write a Check to Obama Campaign: OutPOCPAC strongly believes that Senator Obama will change the course of direction in our country. We urge you to write a check or make an online donation to help Senator Obama win this important election. In addition, we want the Obama campaign to know that our OutPOCPAC dollars are supporting his campaign. Please contact me if you want to send a contribution to his campaign.
Volunteering for Obama Campaign: Please consider volunteering for the Obama campaign. We need volunteers to make phone calls, register voters and being visible in our communities.
Most important is the upcoming Pennsylvania primary where volunteers are needed to help Senator Obama win. The campaign will provide free buses to volunteers in this key state primary. We will be sending more detailed information in the upcoming weeks.
Please contact us if you can volunteer! If you have questions or want more information, please e-mail Doug at doug@outpocpac.org
1 comment:
Most lgbt political clubs are primarily made up of politicians, consultants, political appointees, and people who aspire to those careers. Most of people in those professions in New York, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation, are supporting Ms. Clinton.
The reason isn't too difficult to understand. Having a New York Senator in the White House would create a cascade of political opportunities (the new Senator, that person's old job, the person who got that person's old job etc.) for politicians and their staffs.
A similar cascade would be created by the disproportionate share of cabinet and White House staff appointees from New York.
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