Thursday, December 11, 2008

What LGBT bloggers do when they write about blogging conventions

In a piece published today at Bay Windows and the Bay Area Reporter by Lisa Keen, she reports on the LGBT Blogger and Citizen Journalist Convention that I attended last weekend in DC ("LGBT bloggers learn the ropes at summit"). The event was organized by blogger Mike Rogers (pictured right).

I know I already posted an unofficial listing of the blogs that were represented at the gathering. But now that everyone seems to have returned home, here are some thoughts on the convention by some of the participants.

Pam Spaulding of Pam's House Blend has several posts up mostly filed as the gathering took place which include a number of photos and video grabbed at several of the presentations / workshops. Here is her take on the on the opening day of workshops including video of a panel on the lessons of the passage of Prop. 8 in California; additional photos and videos; and her take on the second and last day of workshops including a presentation on the history of LGBT organizing by former Human Rights Campaign ED Tim McFeely and another on techniques to promote your work as a blogger in the larger media / blogosphere presented by the great Cathy Renna.

The Bilerico Project had an array of their contributors present bloging for the site as well as their individual blogs. Father Tony posted part of a speech by Barney Frank that I mentioned in one of my posts which actually took place at the Victory Fund luncheon (you can watch it here) and Alex Blaze commented on the few days that the Bilerico crew spent in DC.

Father Tony, whose personal blog can be found at over Farmboyz, posted some photos - including one of myself standing next to Buffawhat, Jimbo and Joe.My.God.

Which brings us naturally to my roommate for the weekend, Joe.My.God, who did this recap with a link to a slide show of lotsa-pics. Buffawhat has this and rugger Jimbo has this as well (he also was telling anyone who listened to go out and buy Robyn's latest CD).

Knucklecrack a/k/a Eric Leven attempted something similar to this post on Tuesday and might have done a better job at linking up to others than I am doing. He shares this... "There's Buffawhat, who by the end of the weekend I solely referred to as Buffawhaaaaaaat or would say, 'Buffawho? Buffawhat!' and sometimes I'd snap" which - amazingly - were exactly my thoughts when I met Buffawhat, except I didn't outwardly express those thoughts. Oh, and I didn't snap.

Greta Cristina has a great post in which she admits that she has "never done one of these conference reports before. I'm not quite sure how you do it" but nevertheless shares some interesting thoughts on the event (instead of describing the workshops she analyzes what they meant for her as a blogger).

Working Films, who I did not list in the original list of blogs I posted, reflected on the Prop. 8 panel, among other things.

Rod2.0 had did a brief rundown of the events Saturday and Sunday (with photos) while Mad Professah Lectures posted a photo of him and I (courtesy of Joe.My.Blog, I believe). I was looking forward to meeting both Rod and Ron as supportive as they have been of this blog over the years.

Other bloggers mostly reflected on how great it was to be there including Michael at Coming Out in Mid Life or had brief reactions like enGender, Existential Punk, & Gay Person of Color (who has more pics!). Matt at InterstateQ reflected on how cold DC was compared to his home city of Charlotte, NC.

Amazingly, one of the people I didn't meet was Ask the Gay Latino (!) who wrote this about the event. I kept wondering who he was and making a point of trying to ask about which blog he wrote but the chance never came.

So, not a complete rundown by any means. But a sampling of what bloggers took away from the weekend's convention.


1 comment:

Pure Cocoa said...

Don't I have enough to read without you piling it on, LOL. I'll trey to make it through by Christmas. I hope ou had a fine time.