Friday, March 27, 2009

A Kawika moment, Pt. 2

Yes. Kawika has started blogging, which I absolutely love. Unexpectedly, though, he includes a post about his first New York visit experience. An excerpt:
As comfortable as I'd gotten being there, the moment I had my first glimpse of the view [at the top of the Rockefeller Center] I was immediately overwhelmed. All the feelings I experienced when I first arrived came rushing back to me and I couldn't help but feel like a little island boy in the middle of this huge city.

I stood there in awe, just taking in everything... enjoying the warmth of the sun and a slight cool breeze. I tried to explain to Andrés what I was feeling and got choked up mid-sentence as reality sunk in. I accomplished what was once just a big dream to a little island boy. I remember telling him that I wished my family could see what I was seeing and it took just about every ounce of my energy to choke back my tears.
OMG! I loved hosting Kawika and knew that visiting New York had been a special thingie for him but I was nevertheless moved by what he wrote. Above: El Kawika overlooking Central Park; Below: El Blabbeador, El Pointy Building, and El Kawika.


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