Thursday, August 13, 2009

NN09: President Bill Clinton on 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' and the 'Defense of Marriage Act'

Photo by Andrés Duque. Additional photos here.

I am currently attending the 2009 Netroots Nation conference and the highlight might have happened tonight, on opening night, at the opening day plenary. The key note speaker was former US President Bill Clinton who I had never personally seen speaking publicly and gave an impassioned speech about politics,the Obama administration, the health care debate and the opportunity for bloggers and online activists to create a progressive future that may well last for the next forty years, should Obama win the health care debate. U-Stream has the whole speech online here (it begins at the 1:37:46 mark).

Skip forward to the 1:59:00 mark, though, and you will hear what happened when DC-based gay blogger Lane Hudson stood up and interrupted the President's speech. Here is my transcript of the question he posed and the President's answer, to the best of my listening skills, at this late hour. I've based it on the U-Stream video feed as well as a video captured at the same event by Jeremy Hooper and posted on his blog tonight at his blog, Good as You.
Lane Hudson: Mr. President, will you call for a repeal of DOMA and “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” right now? Please...

President Clinton: Hey, you know, you ought to go to one of those congressional health care meetings. You did really well there. I’ll be glad to talk about that. If you will… If you will sit down and let me talk, I’ll be glad to discuss it. But if you stand up and scream I won’t be able to talk. But the other guys would love to have ya. I wanna talk a little about that too.

But anyway, so, here we are in a different world. Now, it’s not like the 1990’s. You wanna talk about ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’, I’ll tell you exactly what happened. You couldn’t deliver me any support in the Congress and they voted by a veto-proof majority in both houses against my attempt to let gays serve in the military and the media supported them. They raised all kinds of devilment. And all most of you did was to attack me instead of getting some support in the congress. Now, that’s the truth.

Secondly – it’s true! – You know, you may have noticed that presidents aren’t dictators. They voted - they were about to vote for the old policy – by margins exceeding 80% in the House and exceeding 70% in the Senate. The gave test votes out there to send me a message that they were going to reverse any attempt I made by executive order to force them to accept gays into the military. And let me remind you that the public opinion is now more strongly in our favor than it was sixteen years ago and I have continued supporting it. That John Shalikashvili, who was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under me, was against “Don’t A..” – was against letting gays serve – is now in favor of it. This is a different world. That’s the point I’m trying to make.

Let me also say something that never got sufficient publicity at the time. When General Colin Powell came up with this ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ it was defined while he was Chairman much differently than it was implemented. He said that, if you will accept this, here is what we’ll do. We will not pursue anyone, any military members out of uniform will be free to march in gay rights parades, go to gay bars, go to political meetings, whatever mailings they get, whatever they do in their private lives, none of this will be a basis for dismissal. It all turned out to be a fraud because of the enormous reaction against it among the middle level officers and down after it was promulgated and Colin was gone. So nobody regrets how this was implemented even more… anymore than I do. But the congress also put that into law by a veto-proof majority and many of your friends voted for that, believing the explanation about how it would be eliminated. So, I hated what happened. I regret it. But I didn’t have, I didn’t think at the time, any choice if I wanted any progress to be made at all. Look, I think it’s ridiculous. Can you believe they spent – what did they spend? - 150,000 dollars to get rid of a valuable Arabic speaker recently?

And, you know, the thing that changed me forever on ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ was when I learned that 130 gay service people were allowed to serve and risk their lives in the 1st Gulf War and all their commanders knew they were gay, they let them go and risk their lives ‘cause they needed them, and then as soon as the 1st Gulf War was over, they kicked them out. That’s all I needed to know, that’s all anybody needs to know, to know that this policy should be changed.

Now, while we’re at it, let me say one thing about DOMA, since you… The reason I signed DOMA was, and I said when I signed it, that I thought the question of whether gays should marry should be left out to states and the religious organizations, and if any church or other religious body wanted to recognize gay marriage they ought to. We were attempting at the time, in a very reactionary congress, to head off an attempt to send a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage to the states. And if you look at the eleven referendum much later in 2004, in the election, which the Republicans put on the ballot, to try to get the base vote for President Bush up, I think it’s obvious that something had to be done to try to keep the Republican congress presenting that. The President doesn’t even get to veto that. It’s the Congress can refer constitutional amendments to the states. I didn’t like signing DOMA, and I certainly didn’t like the constraints it would put on benefits, and I’ve done everything I’ve could, and I am proud to say that the State Department was the first federal department to restore benefits to gay partners in the Obama administration, and I think we are going forward in the right direction now for federal employees, and I don’t like that eith… I don’t like the DOMA.

But actually all these things illustrate the point I was trying to make. America has rapidly moved to a different place to a lot of these issues and so what we have to decide is what we are going to do about it.
Update: Over at FireDogLake, Lane Hudson has written a post titled "Why I interrupted Bill Clinton's speech at Netroots Nation". FireDogLake also provides the following video...


Anonymous said...

And people wonder why I've been so critical towards The Dallas Principles. Lane Hudson tries to channel ACT UP and instead winds up being owned the same way QUEER NATION was on the Arsenio Hall show.

libhom said...

Lane Hudson deserves tremendous credit for standing up to a vicious bigot like Bill Clinton. Clinton actually had the nerve to lie and say that there wasn't enough support in Congress to lift the ban despite the fact that 35 Senators voted to repeal it entirely. It only takes 34 Senators to sustain a veto.

The lack of support for Hudson from the audience is an example of how homophobic Netroots Nation is. Another example is that a vicious and evil bigot like Bill Clinton was invited to speak in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I can agree with libhom comment/response. However, the problem I have with that is knowing he lied, why didn't anyone else stand up in protest?

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