Monday, April 19, 2010

Argentina: Lesbian couple's marriage ruled valid once again

OMG! Here we go again. Minutes after I wrote to my friend Ron Buckmire to say that Carlos Alvarez and Martin Canavaro were the only remaining legally married same-sex couple in Argentina, here comes word that an Argentinian judge has set aside this week's annulment of the first ever lesbian marriage in Buenos Aires.

From Chris Crain's Gay News Watch:
A judge in Buenos Aires today upheld the validity of the first civil marriage between two women, rejecting the decision of another judge, Martha Gomez Alsina, who had set aside as "null and non-existent" the marriage between the two women, the newspaper La Capital is reporting.

"Administrative Judge Elena Liberatori confirmed the validity of same-sex marriages, and today ordered the City Civil Registry of Buenos Aires to deliver the marriage certificate to the court" for the lesbian couple. The judge furthered ordered that the certificate be kept "in judicial custody for safekeeping."

The Argentinian LGBT Federation reiterated that the ruling confirmed that "no" marriage between persons of the same sex has actually been annulled in the country, the newspaper reported.

Judge Gomez Alsina had issued the order in the case of Norma Castillo and Ramona Arévalo, who married after 30 years together. Judge Liberatori declared null and void the ruling by Judge Gomez Alsina and warned that if she persists in interfering, the dispute would be submitted to the country's Supreme Court of Justice...
Who knows how long this will last but, for further information click here.


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