Tuesday, June 01, 2010

On Father's Day, People in Español magazine honors Ricky Martin

Officially on sale this Friday but in New York City newsstands right now, this is the cover of the Father's Day issue of People en Español.

It's not the first time that Ricky Martin has posed with his twins for the magazine - the first time was December of 2008 - but it's the first time he has done so as an openly gay man. I believe it is also the first official on-the record story since his coming out.

How great is it that the editors of one of the most widely read Spanish-language magazines in the United States would deem it fit to honor Ricky Martin and his parenting as an openly gay man and, in doing so, highlight gay parenting in general?  Appropriately, I also happened to come upon this story today on what a number of bloggers are celebrating as the 5th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day,

The cover story did not happen in a vacuum, though. Armando Correa, the current editor of People en Español, is also an openly gay man and father of two children. He is also the author of "En Busca de Emma: Dos Padres, Una Hija y Un Sueño de Una Familia" in which he chronicles how he and his partner explored different possibilities for child-rearing and how they came to raise their first daughter.

Obviously for Armando, this was a story that was personal as well and I am sure that it played into why Ricky Martin gave People en Español the exclusive story.  In any case, it's great!  If you would like to thank Armando Correa for running the cover story, please follow him on Twitter and send him a Tweet or two.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for this beautiful post! :)

Some Other Guy said...


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