Sunday, November 07, 2010

Gay kissers greet Pope Ratzinger in Barcelona

Photo credit: Guillaume Darribau (

Sweet! The queer kiss flashmobbers who received Pope Ratzinger in Barcelona today even got the attention of the New York Times via the Associated Press ("Pope Defends Family as Spanish Gays Hold ‘Kiss-In’"). An excerpt:
Pope Benedict XVI strongly defended traditional families and the rights of the unborn Sunday, directly attacking Spanish laws that allow gay marriage, fast-track divorce and easier access to abortions as he dedicated Barcelona's iconic basilica, the Sagrada Familia.

It was the second time in as many days that Benedict had criticized the policies of Spain's Socialist government and called for Europe as a whole to rediscover Christian teachings and apply them to everyday life.

As he headed to the basilica, about 200 gays and lesbians staged a 'kiss-in' to protest his visit and church policies that consider homosexual acts "intrinsically disordered." Later, a few hundred women marched to protest their second-class status in the church and the Vatican's opposition to birth control. 
The kiss-in was organized by six friends from Barcelona who used Facebook to call for a response. In the past weeks they alleged that Facebook shut down their "Queer Kissing Flashmob" page twice before being allowed to keep it (check it out here).

Spaniards are not known to mince words and, on the eve of the Pope's visit, many hung banners from their windows and balconies that read "I don't wait for you" in Catalan and Spanish.

In the best video of the kiss-in I've seen, which was uploaded by the Spanish paper 20 Minutos on their website, participants are heard shouting "Nazi" at the Pope as the Pope-mobile goes by. They also flip the finger at him and kiss before erupting into a chant that says "Throw him out, throw, him out, throw out the pederasts."

I said Spaniards do not mince words.  And they certainly didn't during the protest.

For additional coverage, check these out:
Here is a video I found on YouTube.


libhom said...

The headline of the AP story on the Times's website was deceptive and biased. Opposing abortion and attacking queers has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with defending families.

It's pretty obvious to me that Ratzi when into pitbull attack mode against secularists, women, and queers in order to try to distract attention from the rampant child molestation in his own clergy. Obviously, the protesters saw through that.

Anonymous said...

thank you !

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