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Argentina: Another gay pride march
"My first reaction was to the small size of the event, since B.A. bills itself - repeatedly- as 'the gay capital of South America.'"That's new arrival Chris Crain describing his first Buenos Aires LGBT pride march over on his blog (he also has some photos - yay!). Then again, he's used to São Paulo's gay million-plus participants pride march from living in Brazil over the last couple of years which is the biggest such event in the world and pretty tough to beat (I'd also argue that it's hotel owners and tourist-related businesses that have embraced the 'gay capital of South America' tag and not necessarily the local activists).Nevertheless, as Rex did a couple of years ago, I'm sure that once Chris and his boyfriend settle down they'll find the city to be more open than first impressions might show in some ways and more closed in other ways.
Mariano, whose Spanish-language blog is just one of the best out there (full disclosure: Mariano bought my graces by sending me a CD with music from some up and coming Argentinian pop bands last year PLUS he's a great guy to boot that I hope to meet when I finally get to Buenos Aires myself) says that the march started later than usual and seemed to have more participants than ever. He also says that the closing ceremony dragged on and on and bored him to pieces even if overall he enjoyed himself. No wonder! First of all, he was with the Morrudosos! Second, he also gave and took.
Not everyone was as happy (or as bored). The feminist lesbians of La Casa del Encuentro stood up against the "glamour and frivolity framed by consumerism" as well as the "frenetic music that does not allow [you] to listen to our voices and our demands as lesbians, gays, travestis and transsexuals" by marching behind the glam-fag crowds (h/t: Breaking the Silence)
I guess I get some of the glamour back-lash but watch out puto rockeros! You might be next!
Certainly, by any standards, the naysayers were more peaceful than in years past.AG Magazine puts the number of participants at 25,000 (5,000 more than last year - they also have video).
InfoBAE also has additional photos and video as well.
Heck! Maybe we should all move down there! Even LifeLube is in Buenos Aires this week.
Hey! Thanks for the comments! I think the organizers should clear their minds about what they want for the parade next year.
I mean, the closing ceremony should be more "gay" and less "left wing activism".
The CHA activists should probably exercise they irony more and be "mean queens" when they want to denounce who is fighting against the lgbtt community. People would pay more attention to their claims and get more involved in "seriuos" demands for equality to the authorities.
And the closing ceremony should be much shorter. It gets too long. And as for the one who said the loud music doesn't let the voices to be heard... i think that parading and dancing along Avenida de Mayo is a political act in itself, it's showing the rest of the society that we exist and that there's a lot of lgbtt people out there.
My bf and I had a wonderful, wonderful time in BA last week. Fabulous funky city, beautiful people, great food, very cool all around. Stayed in San Telmo a block from the Plaza Dorego - couldn't have been a better neighborhood to be based in. I am still in denial that we are back in Chicago... We are thinking that a yearly trip down there is going to be our Thanksgiving ritual.
Jim de LifeLube
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