This actually came up in a conversation we had this summer, long before Steven had begun to experience any stomach discomfort or that any of us knew that his cancer would come back. He made me promise that - if and when he died - I would post my favorite of his photos on this blog because he wanted people to know who he was and feared being forgotten (Forgotten? As if! You should the tremendous outpour of emotions expressed by the many who Steven touched while alive! - read replies here, here, and here).
Of course then, I simply poo-poo'ed the idea and dismissed his mention of the 'd' word. Little did we all know.
Aside from some of Steven's photos that I have used in the past, the above three are absolutely my favorites. His friends, his family and even Steven himself might have chosen other photos but I think the above three speak to who he was without the need for words.
Over at this place, I've set up a memorial album with additional photos, some supplied by close friends as well. There is almost no rhyme and reason to the album and the images are cetrainly not in chronological order but I hope that it conveys some of what we feel towards Steven. Finally, there is also a couple of short videos here.
I may not have been able to attend today's memorial and tomorrow's funeral. But I hope that, in this small way, I can honor the life of such a wonderful person.
Much love to his family and Santino. As for Steven Michael Mackin, I love you and stuff.
- The viewing? A packed house full of love (thanks for sharing, Wayne)
- Steven M. Mackin (I'd Rather Die in Love, Than Live Forever)
- Word is out so... (Oct. 28, 2006)
- Damn, Steven (Oct. 26, 2006)
- LJ bears *heart* Steven Mackin (Oct. 13, 2006)
- I *heart* puppies (Sept. 29, 2006)
- We love Steven Mackin (Sept. 26, 2006)
- More fun with Steven (April 12, 2006)
- Time for some good ol' butt (Nov. 3, 2005)
I am so sorry for your loss Andres. He sounds like a wonderful person.
Dude, I am so sorry for your lost. I can't imagine how sad you must feel. It's always so tragic when a life is cut short by an illness. You guys seemed to have a lovely friendship and I'm sure he'll always be with you in spirit.
*A Big Bear Hug 4 U*
Hello all, I am new to this but I was Steven therapist here in Bardstown and my heart goes out to everyone who knew him...he will be missed dearly. All who knew him loved him. Again I cant say how much he will be missed. God Bless all. Verneasa
May God Bless his Soul now in Heaven and give You the Peace of Spirit needed to accept his will. Your Friend will be now Your connection with the Resurrection. I didn't know him but will remember him thru You, a Real Friend. God Bless You and may Your Friend guide all of Us from Heaven.Angel Lazaro Long Island, NY
Thanks for this blog, and especially the itube tribute video. It made me cry. I only knew Steve from online and never had the priviledge of meeting him in person - but even so - he greatly impacted my live.
Thanks again - and together he will never be forgotten.
It still hurts so very much in my heart, but all that know Steve can support one another and keep him with us.
HUGS and thankyou
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