The Queer Justice League apparently had their first ever action last night at the West Side Piers.
I had heard that group members had finally agreed on keeping the Queer Justice League name (which at one point carried an asterisk to designate activist dissatisfaction with the supposed military connotations of the name or with the word queer or with the comic-bookishness of it - trust me, process sometimes gets ugly). Ultimately I guess the name stuck and QJL prevailed. Super-homos unite!
I also knew that they had settled on some sort of public kiss-in as a first action (you'd think that New York City is full of public demonstrations of good ol' same-sex saliva swappin' but you'd be surprised) AND that they had also decided to do it in support of the Fabulous Independent Educated Radicals for Community Empowerment (or FIERCE for short) and their efforts to keep the West Side Piers safe and open for queer youth of color. And what can be wrong about bringing together some upscale Chelsea gay glamour with some radical queer youth radicalis of color? They are usually at odds with each other so all's good for mending the bridges.
I would have been there, I really would. Except that the action announcement and date was never sent through the Queer Justice League e-mail list or posted on the QJL blog. What's up with that? (Or maybe I missed something?).
Joe.My.God does have evidence that something did happen. Not sure there was any saliva swappin' though.
Previously, in Queer Action League history.
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1 comment:
It's interesting to note that of yet I've not heard from anyone with regards to some of the questions I posed such as taking action against CBS and whether there is a tier system in place for lawyers.
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